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Royal Swan by Sadhya

CD by Dutch mantra singer Sadhya


Sadhya studied to become a nurse but soon switched to acting, dance, voice expression, and several forms of therapeutic work which she learned, after taking sannyas in 1980, at the Osho Multiversity in India and in the US. She taught meditation at several centres in the US and her native Netherlands. Now she regularly offers concerts and also offers interactive musical workshops for children. This is her first CD.


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The album ‘Royal Swan’ by Sadhya offers a fine collection of deeply moving Mantras and Sacred Chants from all over the world, honouring different spiritual paths, creeds and traditions.

The accoustical treat is masterfully produced and the melodies are beautiful and inspirational for the heart. Many skilful musicians have contributed their musical gifts to this album and have made it a real celebration. Backed by subtle electronics, violin, harp, flute, saxophone, and different percussion instruments, Sadhya’s vocals induce ecstatic feelings and silent meditation.

Join this celebrating music of the ‘Royal Swan’. I trust the songs will inspire you and enhance your life as they have mine.

Ojas Th. De Ronde