Security Is a Golden Cage

Everywhere I turn “security” is being offered as an anti-dote to the challenges we face today. Is this an illusion?

“Security is the greatest illusion there is. Life is insecure. Love is insecure. To be is to be in insecurity. To be is to be in constant danger. Only the dead are secure because they cannot die anymore; nothing can ever happen to them now.

Love Letters to Life

Love Letters to Life
150 Life-Transforming Letters by Osho
Book — Also available in other formats: eBook

Each one of these 150 letters is a personal message by Osho, written to someone directly by him. The letters are encouraging statements and responses to people, supporting their process of meditation and inner discovery.

The Tantra Experience (New Edition)

The Tantra Experience (New Edition)
This is Volume 1 of the series title Tantra Vision.
Talks on The Royal Song of Saraha
Book — Also available in other formats: eBookAudioBook

We normally associate the word Tantra with sex, but in these talks on The Royal Song of Saraha, Osho answers all the questions and dilemmas we could never understand – or were afraid to ask – not only about sex, but about every aspect of life that Tantra actually encompasses.

Hsin Hsin Ming: The Zen Understanding of Mind and Consciousness

Hsin Hsin Ming: The Zen Understanding of Mind and Consciousness
Book — Also available in other formats: AudioBookeBook

       "If I were to save only two books from the whole world of the mystics, one would be Sosan's Hsin Hsin Ming," Osho says. "It contains the quintessence of Zen, the path of awareness and meditation. . .the very soul of Zen."

The Perfect Way (New Edition)

The Perfect Way (New Edition)
Extemporaneous talks given by Osho in Ranakpur, Rajasthan, India
Book — Also available in other formats: eBook

Osho answers fundamental questions about what meditation is, and how we can begin and sustain it in our lives. He does this with precision, thoroughness, humor, and compassion. Here is someone who knows, but who also knows how to convey what he knows. His genius in full flight, he points us as far as one can with words toward the inner world of the self, toward the zone of silence.

Earthen Lamps

Earthen Lamps
60 Parables and Stories
About Our Mortal Body of Clay and the Immortal Flame of Consciousness
Book — Also available in other formats: eBook

Scientists in the Service of Consciousness – A New Perspective

Do scientists belong to the same category as politicians? Science is so excitingly interesting, but on the other hand I found that it does not transform at all. What is it good for? 

“Satyam Bhairava, the question you have asked implies many questions. First, are the scientists also of the same category as politicians? In a way, yes. The politician is one whose whole desire is to have power; hence anybody whose desire is to have power, particularly over others – they may be human beings or material objects, it makes no difference….