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Emotions Are the Key to Your Transformation

Can you talk about the world of emotions?

“Most of the activities in life originate from the world of emotions, not from the world of thoughts. You must also have noticed that you think one thing, and when the time comes you do something else. The reason for this is that there is a fundamental difference between emotions and thinking. You may decide that you will not become angry; you may think that anger is bad, but when anger gets hold of you thinking is left aside and you become angry.
“As long as a transformation in the world of emotions does not happen, just thinking and contemplation alone cannot bring about a revolution in life. That’s why on the spiritual journey the most basic point is the emotions.”
To continue reading this OSHO Talk, visit: Understanding Emotions
“But we become frightened of our emotions. Gradually we have clogged our emotions, if not cut them off completely. We don’t listen to our hearts at all. We heed only the intellect, and act according to our reasoning. And where does your intellect take you? It is the shallowest thing within you, so it guides you only towards superficial things. That is why you are out to amass wealth – you gather all the trash – and why you are so concerned about your honor and position.”
To continue reading this OSHO Talk, visit: Patience Is the Goldsmith

Why are we so in favor of thinking and the intellect?

“The society pays so much for thinkers, so naturally it is an economical asset. About non-thinkers the society does not bother. It does not pay poets or the painters or the musicians. It pays mathematicians, engineers, doctors, professors. It pays heads. It is almost against lovers; it punishes them.
“It is against emotions, against feeling; it does not allow them. It is okay on a holiday but not ordinarily. Once in a while you can relax, can take a little alcohol and relax, but otherwise you have to remain in the head. The world is run by the head, and because the heart brings chaos the society does not allow it. School, college, university, everything has been made in such a way that the heart is crushed.”
Osho. The Open Secret, Talk #7

But why is society against the heart?

“The heart creates inconvenience for the status quo, for the established order of things, for the vested interest. Head functions through logic. It can be convinced for certain purposes. It can be argued, persuaded, conditioned. It can be made Christian, Hindu, Mohammedan. It can be made Communist, Fascist, Socialist. Anything can be done with the head. And whatsoever you feed the head it goes on repeating it. It can’t bring a single thing new, it is never original. The heart lives through love and love cannot be conditioned. It is essentially rebellion. One never knows where love will lead you. It is unpredictable, it is spontaneous, it never repeats the old, it always responds to the present moment. The heart lives in the present, the head lives in the past. Hence the head is always traditional, conventional and the heart is always revolutionary, rebellious.”
Osho, No Man Is an Island, Talk #10

Can there be a society without crushing the heart?

“When one has to live with others, many times one has to suppress many things. Hence, suppression is a ‘must’ in society. It is not very likely that we will be able to create a society which is free of all suppression. A good society suppresses little, a bad society suppresses a lot, but suppression is inevitable even in a good society.”
To continue reading this OSHO Talk, visit: The Essence of Devotion

What is happening inside when emotions get suppressed?

“Through suppression, mind becomes split. The part that you accept becomes the conscious, and the part that you deny becomes the unconscious. This division is not natural, the division happens because of repression. And into the unconscious you go on throwing all the rubbish that society rejects – but remember, whatsoever you throw in there becomes more and more part of you. It goes into your hands, into your bones, into your blood, into your heartbeat. Now psychologists say that almost eighty percent of diseases are caused by repressed emotions: so many heart failures means so much anger has been repressed in the heart, so much hatred that the heart is poisoned.”
To continue reading this OSHO Talk, visit: Next Time You Feel Angry…

Is there anything we can do about it?

“Man is the only being who can suppress his energies – or who can transform them. No other being can do either. Suppression and transformation exist as two aspects of one phenomenon – that man can do something about himself.
“The trees exist, the animals exist, the birds exist, but they cannot do anything about their existence. They are part of it, they cannot stand out of it. They cannot be the doers. They are so merged with their energy, they cannot separate themselves.
“Man can. He can do something about himself. He can observe himself from a distance – he can look at his own energies as if they are separate from him. And then either he can suppress them or he can transform them. Suppression only means trying to hide certain energies which are there – not allowing them to have their being, not allowing them to have their manifestation. Transformation means transforming, changing energies toward a new dimension.”
To continue reading this OSHO Talk, visit: Repression or Transformation?

How to change energies toward a new dimension?

“A very fundamental thing to be remembered: only communion with psychological pain opens the door for its liberation and transcendence, only communion with psychological pain. All that is painful has to be accepted. A dialogue has to be created with it. It is you. There is no other way to go beyond it. The only way is to absorb it.
“And it has tremendous potential. Anger is energy, fear is energy, so is cowardice. All that happens to you has great momentum, a great quantity of energy hidden in it. Once you accept it, that energy becomes yours. You become stronger, you become wider, you start becoming more spacious. You have a bigger inner world then.”
To continue reading this OSHO Talk, visit: The Great Palace of Consciousness

Is there anything more we can do than accept this pain?

“Emotions have to be relieved, relaxed. When you feel like crying you have to cry, when you feel like laughing you have to laugh. You have to drop this nonsense of repression. You have to learn expression, because only through your sentiments, your emotions, your sensitivity, do you come to that vibration through which communication is possible….
“Tantra says to express the negative and allow the positive. If anger comes, don’t repress it; if aggression comes, don’t repress it. Tantra does not say go and kill a person – but Tantra says that there a thousand and one ways to express the repressed emotions. You can go into the garden and chop wood. Have you watched woodcutters? They look more silent than anybody else.”
To continue reading this OSHO Talk, visit: The Tantra Map

How to express emotions if not on others?

“You have to throw and empty out all that is suppressed in you. Anger, violence, joy, misery, crying, laughing, madness – all are suppressed within you. And remember one thing: when you release any of these energies on someone else, you are entering into a vicious circle which you will not be able to come out of. You have to release all these energies into the void….
“There is no need to express on others – express into the void. Express your anger to the empty sky. The sky has a vast heart and it will not come back to you. If you can express all your suppressed emotions, the catharsis will be complete and you will be cleaned. The body will become pure. When the body is pure, meditation will grow wings.”
To continue reading this OSHO Talk, visit: The Essence of Devotion

Is it better for me to watch negative feelings or to express them? I feel that when I watch them I manipulate them or suppress them.

“First you have to express them. So whenever you feel that something is accumulating inside, go to the river, or into your room, close the door, beat the pillows, shout – but express it. Right now just watching won’t help; it will harm.
“And the more you express, the more you will be surprised that a different kind of watching arises. You will catch yourself red-handed sometimes in tremendous anger. You will see that you are watching – expressing and watching. Not that you have to do it – it will come of its own accord. One day beating the pillow in great rage, suddenly you will find that you are watching too. But not that you have been trying to watch – the watcher has come on its own, and when the watcher comes by itself, it has a tremendous beauty. Then it never represses.
“A forced watching is always repressive, and you are carrying something in you that has to be catharted first….
“This has to be absolutely clear in your mind, that watching will come; first go into expression. And there is no need to express on people, because that creates unnecessary troubles. They react, you react, then it becomes a vicious circle and there is no end to it.
“Whenever you feel something is there, hovering, go to the river and just throw it out completely. For at least one month cathart.”
Osho, Don’t Look before You Leap, #26

Can you say more about watching the emotions?

“Just see the contents of your mind from a distance, just a little distance, so that you can see, ‘This is anger, this is sadness, this is anguish, this is anxiety, this is worry,‘ and so on and so forth. Let them be there: ‘I am unconcerned. I am not going to do anything for or against.‘ And they will start disappearing.
“And if you can learn a simple thing, of letting these things disappear from the conscious, you will have such a clarity of consciousness. Your vision will be so penetrating, your insight so far-reaching that not only will it change your individuality, it will allow the repressed contents in the unconscious to surface. Seeing that you have learned not to repress, things are moving out; they want to go out into the world.
“Nobody wants to live in your basement in the darkness. Seeing that you are allowing things to move out, they need not wait for the night when you are asleep – they will start coming up. You will see them coming up from the basement of your being and moving out from your consciousness. Slowly your unconscious will be empty.“
To continue reading this OSHO Talk, visit: Your Open Sky

When the unconscious is empty is clarity attained?

“This is the miracle, the magic, that if the unconscious is empty, the wall between the conscious and unconscious collapses. It all becomes consciousness. First, you had only one-tenth of your mind conscious; now you have all ten parts together conscious – ten times more conscious. And the process can go deeper; it can release the collective unconscious. The key is the same. It can release the cosmic unconscious.
“And if you can clean all the unconscious parts below your consciousness, you will have such a beautiful awareness that to enter into the superconscious will be as easy as a bird taking wing.
“It is your open sky. It is just that you were so loaded… so much weight that you could not fly. Now there is no weight. You are so light that gravitation loses its force over your mind. You can fly to the superconscious, to the collective conscious, to the cosmic conscious.
“Godliness is within your reach. You just have to release the devils that you have been keeping in your consciousness, forcing them into unconsciousness. Release those devils, and godliness is within your reach. And both things can happen together: as the lower part is cleaned, the upper world becomes available to you. And remember, again I say, it is a simple process.”
To continue reading this OSHO Talk, visit: Your Open Sky
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