
Chinmaya reviews Shastro’s latest album.

Satsang marks a departure for Shastro from most of what he has done before. Finally his love affair with Indian instrumentation (dating back thirty years to a chance meeting with a baba selling flutes outside the Osho Commune in Pune) and used as colour and timbre on so many of his recordings, bears fruit in music that does more than nod to India.

The Fall of Winter

Chinmaya Dunster reviews Sambodhi Prem’s long awaited new album.

The Fall of Winter is an ambitious creative project, involving a high level of musicianship and varied sonic textures. It has taken seven years to complete, with musicians from around the world to add to Sambodhi Prem’s initial structures.


Milarepa reviews Sudhananda’s latest album: “He has created something beautiful, straight from his heart to ours. I think everyone will find something on this cd to enjoy and be touched by.”


Sufi Kirtan

Ghoshen’s impressions of the most recent album by the ensemble HuDost.

Dance is one of the most religious phenomena, but it has lost its meaning so completely that it has almost fallen to the opposite polarity.”
Osho, The Secret of Secrets, Vol. 2, Ch 1

Медитация – величайшее приключение!

Медитация – величайшее приключение!

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Умри, о йог, умри

Умри, о йог, умри

Постижение Высшей Истины


Умри, йог, умри" - книга, редкая по красоте даже среди книг самого Ошо. Пожалуй, она, как никакая другая книга, позволяет настолько приблизиться к Божественному, насколько это вообще возможно для человека, которому не посчастливилось "сидеть рядом" с самим Мастером. Читатель, прикоснись к этой дивной передаче энергии и осознания!

названия глав

    Глава 1 Горакх - камень в основании

    Глава 2 Зов неизвестного

    Глава 3 Живите спонтанно

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