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Meditate with zen story (03 - mu-nan and shozu). ZEN FROM SANZEN !

This series - ZEN from SANZEN presents selected zen stories in audio form followed by a small meditation.
These stories give a small glimpse of zen from famous zen masters, expressing their very personal zen attitude.
ZEN is a Japanese word. Its actually a twist in the original word - DHYAN (sanskrit), over centuries...
These zen stories are taken from - zen heart zen soul - a hindi translation by swami antar jagdish. The original work was presented by paul raps - zen flash zen bones.
These stories can bring you close to your very own being.
Try !
यह श्रृंखला - जेन फ्रॉम सांजेन - चुनिंदा जेन कथाओं को प्रस्तुत करती है । प्रत्येक कथा के साथ छोटी अवधि की एक ध्यान विधि भी है।
ये कथाएं कुछ जेन गुरुओं के जीवन में घटी सार्थक घटनाओं को दर्शातीं हैं और साथ ही उन गुरुओं के मन्तव्य - आशय को भी।
वर्षों की अपनी चीनी-जापानी यात्रा में जेन शब्द संस्कृत-मूल के शब्द 'ध्यान' से ही उपजा था।
ये जेन कथाएं स्वामी अंतर जगदीश की पुस्तक - जेन हार्ट जेन सोल - से ली गईं हैं जो पॉल रैप्स द्वारा संकलित पुस्तक - जेन फ़्लैश जेन बोन्स - का हिंदी रूपांतर है।
इन कहानियों के शब्दों की सामर्थ्य आपको आपके केंद्र पर वापस फेंक देने में सक्षम है।
यह एक जेन आमन्त्रण है - प्रयोग के लिए !
Voice-over: Ma Dhyan Abha
Ma Dhyan Abha has been facilitating meditation camps for years now. Since receiving her initiation at the age of 7, she has been participating in meditation camps. Abha has learned minute details of this art under the guidance of Late Swami Anand Vairagya.

She is also trained in classical dance and understands music and it’s instrumentation i.e. it’s application and effects in meditation techniques. She facilitates meditation camps like Sufi, bhakti, silent retreats, group sessions & osho meditative therapies ranging from three to twenty-one days.

Ma Abha helps in running Osho Sanzen, an Osho meditation center in Solan, HP, India.
Friends have been asking about the natural ambience in the videos...All natural  scenic video cuts and the video cuts showing friends meditating are from osho sanzen as we are situated in a hill top, the front valley in front of us is a vast view...Also surrounding pine forest gives a lush green cover for the videos...
For upcoming meditation camps please visit our website:
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How to recah Osho Sanzen:
(Filmed & Edited by: Satyam & Sarover
YouTube: )
