Feeling Desperate, Terrified? — Insights on Helplessness for a World in Crisis
I feel terrified and desperate: desperate to save this incredible, beautiful planet, and terrified because the odds against us seem…Continue reading on Medium »
The New Fascism — the Last Throes of Authoritarian Madness?
What seems like a wave of authoritarian madness, the new fascism, sweeping across the planet may be just like the final flaring of a dying…Continue reading on Medium »
Don’t Just Sit There!
“Modern man is a very new phenomenon. No traditional method can be used exactly as it exists, because modern man never existed before. So…Continue reading on Medium »
Out of Chaos Stars Are Born
In the first part of this series, Don’t Just Sit There! Osho speaks about why traditional meditation methods were created and why new…Continue reading on Medium »
Trump & Putin: The Politics of Insanity
Two of the most powerful men in two of the most heavily armed countries in the world could well be described as certifiably insane.Continue reading on Medium »
The Empty Boat — How to Remain Centered When Activated by Anger
“If you are on your honeymoon, the moon looks beautiful, miraculous, wonderful. It seems that the whole world is different. And on the…Continue reading on Medium »
Should Men Be Allowed to Serve in the Military?
It is pretty obvious that the Russian soldiers who are currently engaged in destroying Ukrainian cities — and then raping, murdering, and…Continue reading on Medium »
Global Peace — Just Women’s Work?
We have addressed the basic question “Should Men Be Allowed to Serve in the Military?”Continue reading on Medium »
Men Suffer from a Great Inferiority Complex — Why?
Man’s inferiority complex has denied women the chance to grow as equal. Women need to assert their equality while keeping their uniqueness.Continue reading on Medium »
Even the Rats Were Male
Once upon a time, a scientist discovered that the basic response of human beings to threats and stress was “fight or flight.” For the next…Continue reading on Medium »