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The Heart Sutra

The Heart Sutra
Talks on Sutras of Gautama the Buddha
Book — Also available in other formats: AudioBookeBook

Osho gives ten talks on Gautama the Buddha’s famous Heart Sutra, a small yet highly revered book of verses in Buddhist literature. Bringing alive the powerful message of these ancient words, Osho speaks on awareness and enlightenment, trust and the heart and encourages us all to reclaim the buddha within ourselves.
"Buddha’s message is the greatest that has ever been delivered to man. And this sutra is one of the greatest expressions of Buddha. He has talked for forty-two years, and he has said many things, but nothing compared to this. This is unique." Osho
Chapter Titles
    #1: The Buddha Within
    #2: Surrender Is Understanding
    #3: Negation of Knowledge
    #4: Understanding: the Only Law
    #5: The Fragrance of Nothingness
    #6: Don't Be Too Sane
    #7: Full Emptiness
    #8: The Path of Intelligence
    #9: Gone, Gone, Gone Beyond!
    #10: Truth Is a Presence
Talks on the Heart Sutra, The Prajnaparamita Haridayam Sutra of Gautama the Buddha reveal his essential teachings: the merging of negative and positive, the insubstantiality of the ego, and the buddha-nature of all of existence.

Excerpt from: The Heart Sutra, Chapter 6
What is the difference between the emptiness of the child before the formation of the ego and the awakened childlikeness of a Buddha?

"There is a similarity and there is a difference. Essentially the child is a Buddha, but his buddhahood, his innocence, is natural, not earned. His innocence is a kind of ignorance, not a realization. His innocence is unconscious – he is not aware of it, he is not mindful of it, he has not taken any note of it. It is there but he is oblivious. He is going to lose it. He has to lose it. Paradise will be lost sooner or later; he is on the way towards it. Every child has to go through all kinds of corruption, impurity – the world.

"The child’s innocence is the innocence of Adam before he was expelled from the garden of Eden, before he had tasted the fruit of knowledge, before he became conscious. It is animal-like. Look into the eyes of any animal – a cow, a dog – and there is purity, the same purity that exists in the eyes of a Buddha, but with one difference.

"And the difference is vast too: a Buddha has come back home; the animal has not yet left home. The child is still in the garden of Eden, is still in paradise. He will have to lose it – because to gain one has to lose. Buddha has come back home… the whole circle. He went away, he was lost, he went astray, he went deep into darkness and sin and misery and hell. Those experiences are part of maturity and growth. Without them you don’t have any backbone, you are spineless. Without them your innocence is very fragile; it cannot stand against the winds, it cannot bear storms. It is very weak, it cannot survive. It has to go through the fire of life – a thousand and one mistakes committed, a thousand and one times you fall, and you get back on your feet again. All those experiences slowly, slowly ripen you, make you mature; you become a grown-up.

"Buddha’s innocence is that of a mature person, utterly mature. Childhood is nature unconscious; buddhahood is nature conscious. The childhood is a circumference with no idea of the center. The Buddha is also a circumference, but rooted in the center, centered. Childhood is unconscious anonymity; buddhahood is conscious anonymity. Both are nameless, both are formless… but the child has not known the form yet and the misery of it.

"It is like you have never been in a prison, so you don’t know what freedom is. Then you have been in the prison for many years, or many lives, and then one day you are released… you come out of the prison doors dancing, ecstatic! And you will be surprised that people who are already outside, walking on the street, going to their work, to the office, to the factory, are not enjoying their freedom at all – they are oblivious, they don’t know that they are free. How can they know? Because they have never been in prison they don’t know the contrast; the background is missing.

"It is as if you write with a white chalk on a white wall – nobody will ever be able to read it. What to say about anybody else – even you will not be able to read what youhave written." Osho
In this title, Osho talks on the following topics:
freedom... society... outside... ego... meditation... past... remember... sariputra... mahakashyapa... aurobindo...


More Information
Edition/ Version    1st Edition
Type    Series of Talks
Publisher    OSHO Media International
ISBN    1938755901
ISBN-13    978-1938755903
Dimensions (size)    14.22 x 2.03 x 21.59 cm
Number of Pages    292