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In Love with Life

In Love with Life
on Friedrich Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Book — Also available in other formats: eBook

In this selection of talks on Nietzsche’s Thus Spake Zarathustra, Zarathustra emerges, “amongst all the religious founders” as “the only one who is life affirmative; who is not against life, whose religion is a religion of celebration.” Each talk is an invitation to take a step further on the journey to become "a god that can dance." Osho restores Nietzsche's uniqueness, as someone who “is in absolute support of rejoicing in the world because except for this life and this world, all are hypothetical ideologies. God, heaven and hell, are all projections of the human mind, not authentic experiences; they are not realities.” In the process, Osho clarifies the true nature of the superman – a man inalienably connected to the cosmos, a mystic and an innocent, cleansed of the need for conquest: the new man.
Chapter Titles
    #1: Buddha and Zorba Can Meet
    #2: Wisdom Brings Authentic Freedom
    #3: The Camel, the Lion, and the Child
    #4: Love Is the Dance of Your Life
    #5: Infinite Capacity to Enjoy
    #6: Knowledge Is Cheap, Knowing Is Costly
    #7: Rebellion Is the Only Hope
    #8: Man Is a Becoming
    #9: Rising to the Heights
    #10: Seriousness Is a Sin
Osho talks about the mystery of the evolution of consciousness, portrayed by Nietzsche as the metamorphosis from camel to lion to child. He reinterprets Nietzsche's often misunderstood concept of the superman to show the way to the new man.

Excerpt from: In Love with Life, Chapter 2
"Zarathustra is immensely in love with life and all that life provides. He is the only mystic with immense affirmation of life. There is no place for renouncing anything – life is a gift of existence. Learn to enjoy it! Relish in it. Dance with the trees, and dance with the stars. Love without jealousy. Live without competition. Accept everybody without judgment. And then there is no need for any God. And there is no need for any paradise. We can transform this very earth into a divine existence. Our very life can become the expression of godliness.

"I am all for godliness because godliness is a quality you can learn, you can grow. God is just a dead idea. The sooner it is dropped, the better because it unnecessarily wastes your time.

"Millions of people are praying around the earth, not knowing that there is nobody to hear their prayers. Millions are worshipping stone statues. If they cannot love living human beings, how is it possible for them to love stone statues? But stone statues are comfortable. They don't create any trouble. You can do anything you want: you can pour water over them or milk over them, you can offer them rotten coconuts, and they will not even object. You can say anything in any language, right or wrong, to the stone statue, it does not matter.

"Love needs the other to be living, alive. But then you have to learn the art. It is one of the stupidities that no university in the world teaches people the art of living, the art of loving, the art of meditating. And I think anything else is far lower than love, life, meditation, laughter. You may be a great surgeon, you may be a great engineer, you may be a great scientist – still you will need a sense of humor, still you will need the art of love, still you will need the art of living, still you will need all these great values in your life.

"But you will be surprised. I teach only these things: love, life, laughter, and as a background for all these, meditation…" Osho

Man is so deaf, so blind that it is almost impossible for him to understand people who are talking from higher stages of consciousness. He hears the noise but it does not bring any meaning to him.

Nietzsche is unique in this sense. He could have remained an extraordinary, very superhuman philosopher, but he never forgets for a single moment the ordinary human being. It is his greatness. Although he has not touched the highest peaks, and he has not known the greatest mysteries, whatsoever he has known, he is longing to share with his fellow human beings. His desire to share is tremendous.

I have chosen to speak on a few fragments which may be helpful to you, for your spiritual growth." Osho
In this title, Osho talks on the following topics:
consciousness… evolution… nietzsche… zarathustra… metamorphosis… superman… innocence… new man… godliness… affirmation

More Information
Type    Abridged Product
Publisher    Osho Media International
ISBN-13    978-1938755965
Number of Pages    192