Tantra: The Supreme Understanding
Tantra: The Supreme Understanding
Talks on Tilopa’s Song of Mahamudra
Book — Also available in other formats: AudioBook
The tradition of Tantra or Tantric Buddhism is known to have existed in India as early as the fifth century AD. In this all-time bestseller, using contemporary idiom and his unique blend of wisdom and humor, Osho talks about the mystical insight of Tantra that is to be found in these ancient writings and the many significant meditation techniques which are as relevant to the modern-day seeker as they were to the ancients. No matter how complex, obscure or mystical the subject, Osho always brings his uniquely refreshing perspective to it– presenting complex concepts to the widest possible audience with irreverent wit and thought-provoking inspiration.
Chapter Titles
#1: The Ultimate Experience
#2: The Root Problem of All Problems
#3: The Nature of Darkness and of Light
#4: Be like a Hollow Bamboo
#5: The Innate Truth
#6: The Great Teaching
#7: The Pathless Path
#8: Cut the Root
#9: Beyond and Beyond
#10: The Supreme Understanding
Most books on Tantra begin and end with sex; but here, in modern language and with his customary clarity and lucidity, Osho reveals the true nature of Tantra – a way of life both natural and meditative, where inner transformation and outer practice meet.
Excerpt from: Tantra: The Supreme Understanding, Chapter 1
"Mahamudra means a total orgasm with the universe. If you have loved somebody, and sometimes you have felt a melting and merging – the two are no more two; the bodies remain separate, but something between the bodies makes a bridge, a golden bridge, and the twoness inside disappears; one life energy vibrates on both the poles – if it has happened to you, then only you can understand what Mahamudra is. Millions and millions times deep, millions and millions of times high, is Mahamudra. It is a total orgasm with the whole, with the universe. It is melting into the source of being." Osho
In this title, Osho talks on the following topics:
sleep... darkness... action... tantra... looking... natural... cling... tilopa... naropa... bodhidharma...
More Information
Type Series of Talks
Publisher Watkins Publishing
ISBN-13 190678728X
Dimensions (size) 132 x 205 mm
Number of Pages 264
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